Annoying list of small things at the house and a lot of cleaning, but it'll be looking good when the weekends done.
Need to touch base with Rick on moving forward with the listing.
Weighed in at 203.6 today... closing in on 200. I'm down a couple sizes in my waist and my pants are all fitting pretty loose these days. It's not moving as fast as I'd like, but I'm not really exercising, just working on portion control, and moving more. Hitting 199, which I have not seen in 7 or 8 years will be a big accomplishment, then I'll need to step it up to make 185 by the holidays.
I've been doing the bare minimum to satisfy the requirements for unemployment while I've been working on the house and Inca has been out for the summer, but I'm winding up the house, and Inca starts school on Monday, so I've really got to get on it this week. Need to be employed in the next two weeks. Have to figure out child care for Max if my only options are a traditional day job.
I'm really floundering here. I work best with a partner, and Rob's been unavailable on the Eureka project, and Dick is not really tech or marketing help on Shocking. Talked to Scott last night. didn't discuss business, but he's really swamped at work, not sure if he is going to be able to help with the EE project. It's the one that makes the most sense from a income generating standpoint, but I need to start identifying and prepping the content before reaching out to a part
Annoying list of small things at the house and a lot of cleaning, but it'll be looking good when the weekends done.
Need to touch base with Rick on moving forward with the listing.
Weighed in at 203.6 today... closing in on 200. I'm down a couple sizes in my waist and my pants are all fitting pretty loose these days. It's not moving as fast as I'd like, but I'm not really exercising, just working on portion control, and moving more. Hitting 199, which I have not seen in 7 or 8 years will be a big accomplishment, then I'll need to step it up to make 185 by the holidays.
I've been doing the bare minimum to satisfy the requirements for unemployment while I've been working on the house and Inca has been out for the summer, but I'm winding up the house, and Inca starts school on Monday, so I've really got to get on it this week. Need to be employed in the next two weeks. Have to figure out child care for Max if my only options are a traditional day job.
I'm really floundering here. I work best with a partner, and Rob's been unavailable on the Eureka project, and Dick is not really tech or marketing help on Shocking. Talked to Scott last night. didn't discuss business, but he's really swamped at work, not sure if he is going to be able to help with the EE project. It's the one that makes the most sense from a income generating standpoint, but I need to start identifying and prepping the content before reaching out to a part