July has been great so far. The kids and I have been making a book for our summer project. It's a joke book called 'Robot Riddles', and we're 80% done. We should be able to wrap it up this weekend.
Get the ball rolling and chain yourself to it...
I've been wanting to do a kickstarter project for a long time. there was always an excuse why not to launch. Coming off a frustrating June, I decided that I would launch a project right before my birthday and guilt my facebook friends into starting the ball rolling. great plan... but I missed the deadline fussing with the video... Annoyed about the lost opportunity, I decided that this needed to be the summer of "good enough"... and launched without a video. The clock was ticking, I was losing time to raise money.... just the motivation i needed, the video was completed in 24 hours. The sound could be better (I might re-do it) but I was on my way. A week later I have $450 in pledges and 4 weeks to go. I'm not on track to make the funding goal ($6000) but I only need to be picked up on a few blogs to get back on track. Check it out!
The last side project is my Access script. I have not been working on it, but I needed a deadline. I contacted a couple friends who produce plays and invited them over for a reading. About a week ago we set a date for tomorrow night and I have a lot of writing to get ready for it... it's going well, and I think I actually have an ending... just not written yet.
Book, kickstarter, movie script... and on top of that more contract work... it's a mad rush this week.